Our Vineyard
The vineyard, like our whole operation, is a family project. From the most experienced to the beginners, each family member participates in digging, planting, protecting the new vines with grow tubes, tying vines to guide wires and of course participating in snack breaks.

We started our vineyard in 2004 with about 1 acre and have gradually grown the vineyard every year to the 2 acres currently in production in 2010. Through trial and error we now specialize in two white and two red wine grape varieties.

Come and visit us, wander the vineyard and see for yourself how tranquil and amazing mother nature can be.

Fox Ridge Winery
Phone: 319-478-8080
Email: gwenseda@hotmail.com
1465 L. Ave, Traer, Iowa 50675 (click here for directions)

This website developed in part by the Central Iowa Tourism Region. For More Information About the Area Visit www.iowatourism.com